Libros Digitales, entrega de tareas y videollamadas

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2021



Activity for Emma Watson article

1    1. Read and annotate each article

a.       Underline key ideas

b.       Circle interesting/confusing vocabulary words

3.       2.- Answer the following questions, using information from the article to back up your answer:

1)      What was the main idea of Emma’s speech?

2)      What is HeForShe?

3)      What is Emma’s main goal, according to this speech?

4)      What gender stereotypes does Emma say she has experienced?

5)      What gender stereotypes does Emma mention men have experienced?

6)      What gender stereotypes does Emma mention other women may have or will experience?

7)      What is your view on feminism?

3.- Write a summary of the article